Bartering for Doulas: Swapping Skills for Success
A doula and a client discussing things over a kitchen table.

Running a doula business is like being a Swiss Army knife in a world of single-use tools. We’re always juggling client needs, mastering the business side of things, and trying to sneak in a bit of personal time. Amid all this, there’s a strategy that doesn’t get the spotlight it deserves: bartering.

Bartering: The Smart Swap

Think of bartering as the old-school trade system, except it’s not just for farmers’ markets. It’s a solid option for us doulas to mix things up, broaden our client base, and strengthen our community connections, all without opening our wallets.

Bartering isn’t about taking whatever you can get without spending cash. It’s about making smart swaps—the kind where you trade your top-notch doula services for something equally valuable to you. I like to joke and say: “Don’t barter for chickens if you’re a vegetarian unless you want some pets.”

Making Bartering Work for You

Before you dive into the bartering pool, it’s essential to target exchanges that genuinely benefit you or your business. I’ve swapped my services for things as varied as website design, a fresh coat of paint for my office, and even cooking classes. Each trade was a win-win, solving a problem or fulfilling a need, and honestly, it felt great every time.

Here’s How to Barter Like a Pro

To nail this bartering thing, here are a few pointers from someone who’s been there:

  • Know What You Need: Sit down and list out what you’re looking to get from bartering, both personally and professionally. You can also ask people who inquire about bartering what they have to offer. Sometimes, I’ve found some things that would not have been on my list but were actually really helpful.
  • Clear Communication is Key: Be upfront about what you’re offering and what you expect in return. No beating around the bush.
  • Put It in Writing: Treat a barter like any business deal. Draft up an agreement that spells out all the details, so everyone’s on the same page. This should be included in your contract, including the dates services or items are to be delivered and the monetary value of the services or items.
  • Mind the Tax Man: Check in with a tax advisor about how to report your barter arrangements. Most barters are included as income. Better safe than sorry.

Over to You

Now, I’m curious about your barter stories. What’s the coolest or most impactful trade you’ve made? Drop a reply or share your story in the community. It’s always a blast to hear how creativity and a bit of daring can lead to some awesome exchanges in our community.

Managing a doula practice, finding new clients, and keeping our sanity—it’s all in a day’s work. And sometimes, thinking outside the box (or the bank account) with strategies like bartering can make all the difference.

Let’s keep sharing, learning, and laughing together. Here’s to making our doula businesses thrive, one smart swap at a time.


Using Freebies to Build Your Doula Business

Using Freebies to Get Doula Clients

Let’s get right to it: you’re looking for ways to stand out and connect with potential clients. Offering freebies is a straightforward and effective method to show your value and build trust. Here are five practical and impactful freebies you can start offering today. These are designed to help your clients feel supported and informed from the get-go.

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