10 Mistakes Doulas Make on Their Websites
Young Asian woman smiling at her computer.

Having a web presence is important to get clients as a doula. A simple page on a doula listing site is a great way to start out with low cost and ease, but as you grow you’ll want to consider having your very own website.

Here are 10 mistakes doulas make on their website:

  1. Not having a clear and concise website. Your website should be easy to navigate and find the information that potential clients are looking for – especially where you are located and work. Not saying where you are located is a very common mistake for doulas.
  2. Not having a good quality website. Your website should be well-designed and easy to read. This doesn’t mean expensive, but it does mean well laid out and not random. Check for readability both in text and in the color and font choices. Have a friend check for you on desktop and mobile.
  3. Not having enough information about your services. Potential clients should be able to learn everything they need to know about your services from your website. This includes not only what services and packages you offer, but your price. Research on childbearing age people shows that they want to see your prices up front – they don’t want to have to call or email to find out that answer.
  4. Not having a good call to action. Your website should tell potential clients what you want them to do, such as contact you, request an interview, download your lead magnet, or sign up for your newsletter. This may involve hooking up services like Calendly or an email collection device.
  5. Not being active on social media. Social media is a great way to connect with potential clients and promote your services. Just remember you need to be working on this consistently, not constantly. Pick a reasonable posting schedule for you and your life.
  6. Not having a FAQ page. A FAQ page can answer common questions that potential clients have about your services. These are typically 2-3 sentences to answer the most basic questions you are asked – even if you answered them elsewhere. This will help the potential client get clarity – and it will save you in emails.
  7. Not having a blog. A blog is a great way to share information about your services and connect with potential clients. This is certainly not something that you need to do immediately, but it’s a great long-term addition. The easiest articles are going to be expanded questions that you are frequently asked.
  8. Not having testimonials. Testimonials from satisfied clients can help to build trust and credibility with potential clients. This social proof is a great way to show that you offer a valuable service. You can pull these quotes from your evaluations or sites that gather testimonials for doulas like Meet Your Doula.
  9. Not having a payment processing system. Potential clients should be able to easily pay for your services online. This is particularly important if you’re doing payment plans, either way, it’s a good idea to use business-friendly (read protection) sites that provide secure service for you and the clients.
  10. Not having a secure website. Your website should be secure so that potential clients can trust that their personal information is safe. Security features vary by web host. 

By avoiding these mistakes, you can create a website that will help you to grow your doula business.


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