Finding Hyperlocal Clients Using Facebook Groups
Finding Hyperlocal Clients Using Facebook Groups

Finding clients can feel daunting, but Facebook groups are a great place to start. Here’s how to make the most of them to grow your doula business.

Join Local Facebook Groups

First, join all the local Facebook groups related to parenting, pregnancy, and childbirth in your area. These groups are where your potential clients are hanging out.

Be Active and Helpful

Make it a habit to check these groups daily or at least a few times a week. Look for posts where you can offer helpful advice. Here’s how you can engage:

  • Example 1: Erica posts about having a pregnancy-related backache:
    “As a doula, I tell all my clients about the power of a rice sock for easing backaches. It’s a simple and effective remedy.”

  • Example 2: Clare is looking for a childbirth class recommendation:
    “As a doula, I recommend my clients reach out to Helen at 123-4567 and Cheryl at 233-9876. My clients rave about their classes!”
    (Tag Helen and Cheryl if they are in the group to let them know you shouted them out.)

Build Your Reputation

By consistently offering helpful advice, you build your reputation as a knowledgeable and supportive professional. Eventually, someone will post: “I’m looking for a doula!” That’s when the people you’ve helped, like Erica and Clare, are likely to tag you, endorsing your services.

Expand Beyond Facebook

While Facebook is a great starting point, this approach can work on any platform where people post messages. If you can’t find a hyperlocal group, consider starting one for families in your area. This can be a general parenting group or something more specific like:

  • VBAC clients
  • Home birthing families
  • Families expecting multiples

Creating and nurturing these communities positions you as a go-to resource for local families.

Practical Tips

  • Routine Engagement: Check your groups daily or a few times a week.
  • Offer Value: Provide actionable advice and support.
  • Tagging: Acknowledge and tag relevant people to build connections.
  • Start Your Own Group: If none exist, create a group that fits your target market.

Finding clients through Facebook groups is about being present, helpful, and consistent. This strategy not only helps you find clients but also builds your reputation in your community.

Court shares a facebook post talking about how she got a lot of new doulas clients.

Join the Doula Business Facebook Group for more tips and tricks!


A doula sits at a desk working on a computer.

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